Dames 8

Proost! We are Ladies 8, also known as Ladies PROOST! Since 2018 we are the entry team at DHC Drienerlo. We have ladies who have played hockey for years, but also ladies who just started playing the sport in their student years. Ladies 8 once started as a training team, but since 2021 we also play matches! At the club, you will not only recognise us by our purple team clothes, but you will also find us in the many committees that DHC has to offer.
On the hockey field we might not be the biggest stars, but in the third half our team certainly shines! After our weekly practice on Wednesday, we have a nice dinner with the whole team and afterwards we hang out at the Toren until late at night to reach the top in the beer competition. Besides playing hockey, Dames 8 has a lot more to offer. We have our annual Christmas dinners and barbecues with Heren 6, we participate in tournaments, go to galas and of course we are often present at social gatherings and parties, both inside and outside the club.
Would you like to experience this yourself? Come and join us during our weekly training sessions on Wednesday from 18:30 to 20:00. You can reach us via dames8@dhcdrienerlo.nl or slide into our DM on Instagram via @dhcdames8.